Where do you find wisdom?

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“Ours is a generation bloated with information and starved for wisdom.” So wrote Arianna Huffington, founder of The Huffington Post. Hundreds of TV stations to watch and so little actually worth watching. The same can be said for radio stations, … Continued

The Big Kahuna

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The Big Kahuna I just read an article from one of my mentors, T. Harv Eker, where he talked about The Big Kahuna, or the one big thing. He was talking about work-life balance, and on the work side, he … Continued

Did I do my best to…

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This is from Success Magazine, March 2015 (which again I highly recommend you subscribe to): “Ask yourself the following questions every day to stay on track toward goals and focus on the things in your life that are within your … Continued

Love and business

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Given that I’ve recently blogged about risk, and the fact that Valentine’s Day is this Saturday, I Googled “Love and Business” and found this interesting article about the combination of the two (excerpt below, full article at https://www.huffingtonpost.com/corey-blake/business-gains-are-double_b_6636928.html): “Loving and … Continued