“Those who do not have goals are doomed forever to work for those who do.” -Brian Tracy
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” -Alexander Graham Bell
“Plans are useless, but planning is essential.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower
Need I go on? I think you will agree with me when I say that without a clear set of goals, without direction towards an end result, and without the planning and preparation it takes to reach those goals, you don’t stand much chance of achieving them. Yes, I know, you also need action, you need to implement the plan, or all is for naught. But that’s a topic for another day.
Why am I writing about this today? It’s to invite you to join me on Tuesday, April 1st (and no, this is not a joke, I chose that day on purpose) from 9-10am Pacific time as I lead a FREE teleclass on my famous “5 Step Planning Process for Goal Accomplishment.” Why April 1st? Because it’s the beginning of the second quarter of 2014, and a perfect time to check in with yourself to make sure you’re doing all that you can to accomplish your goals for 2014. While the bulk of the class will be focused on a very simple, easy to implement 5 step process that you can do every week to increase your productivity and results (and hopefully make a lot more money if that’s of interest to you) I’ll also be covering goals and their importance to this entire process. So email [email protected] with “Free teleclass” in the subject line and I’ll email you back the call in number and PIN. Plus those of you who take action and attend the class will receive a free gift at the end…but you must stay for the entire hour! I will also be recording this class if you can’t make it to the live call. OK, that’s it, stop reading and send me an email!